Well Hello my friends! I hope I find you all good and well and not suffering TOO badly with the post Christmas blues? We had a wonderfully relaxing crimble, we tackled the festivities in an unusually laid back way and surprisingly everything went like clockwork and the world didn't stop if we failed to get everything done on the list(s).
Here a some pics of our Christmas, seems such a long time ago now but it's good to acknowledge it here on my blog.
Look at that face! 6:15am and all is well with this little girls world.
A good relaxing time was had by all, even Mildred who took to guarding the tree and growling if we got too close to it(and her).
We had a lovely time with the children playing games,watching movies and eating special treats.
Lovely flowers for Christmas from my friend of old , Cath.

Now we are well into January, dark mornings, dark evenings, poor Andy doesn't see the cottage in daylight at the moment. January is not one of my best months and what a lousy time to have a birthday!
Soon enough the days will get lighter and we will be heading towards the lovely springtime yippee!
I don't particularly have new year resolutions but I do find that as with tidying away the Christmas baubles I tidy away the past year and feel a twinge of excitement and hope for the new year ahead. January is the month for organising the mind and paving the way for the months ahead. If I was to have new year resolutions it would be to become greener and to do alot more walking in our beautiful countryside,I always feel wonderfully contented being close to nature. Poppy, at five, is still a bit little to do any major walking but on Saturday we went out into a VERY fresh morning and did a lovely 3 hour walk at a place called Ruskin Mill and the surrounding area. It was wonderful, we saw so many different birds and deer, making great use of George Dylan's new binoculars.I always feel inspired after being on such an adventure, imagine if I could do a walk every morning before setting to my work, if only........