Firstly, it would be very rude of me not to mention that wonderful event on the 22nd November, it seems such a long time ago now, there were so many great posts about the day, so eloquently told with great photos. My photos are not so hot and are few in number.It was so lovely to meet and put faces to the blogs, alas, I didn't get round to having a chat with everyone but I hope I will next time.Jayne and Michele did a fantastic job in organising the event, I hope it wasn't too exhausting for you ladies.

This is a nice one of Mr. Snippets isn't it? Like my Man, he stayed all day, a jolly chap :)
didn't take any photos of my table so here is the quick dummy run on the kitchen table the day before.Again, not a brilliant photo but my website is up and running now (still being constructed),see my side bar, if you would like to take a closer look at my work.How grown up!
This photo was taken for Jayne(and the happy crow) I hope you can see your rabbit sat there, he's made himself very much at home. Thank you, it was a lovely giveaway and my first.

There were more people than I'd ever seen before, maybe this credit crunch business is making people more determined to have a good time, it has with me anyway. There were street performers ,

This was what greeted us this morning on the way to school, a lovely sprinkling of frost and a fresh bite in the air, oh how I love it! I still have high hopes of a snow fall on Christmas Eve, a girl can dream.......It was Stroud's 'Goodwill Evening' on Friday, and for us, this marks the start of the "Christmassey"feelings.
A lovely lantern procession with fire jugglers, stilt walkers, carol singers galore.....
Here they are again, entertaining everyone with their jolly banter, Poppy and George loved this. There were some lovely stalls in the farmers market, food, pottery, stalls selling exotic wares, the smell of incense punching the air, frankincense? myrrh?
I will be sharing a stall at the Christmas Farmer's Market on the 13th and 20th December, it was great fun last year so I am looking forward to it very much.

Lastly, I wanted to show you my piano. I find that the things that live on top of my piano changes with the seasons.
This is my piano in November, it shows some recent purchases, some vintage Russian dolls that I love, a vintage (70's) chocolate box bought from the rag market in October, and some vintage Christmas baubles bought for £5 on a bric-a-brac stall, can't wait to put them on the tree.
I have to say, my piano is no longer dressed for November, the children put their tree up on Saturday and this always lives on the piano.SO, dear readers, you will have to come back to see the festive changes that take place over the next few weeks.Phew!!! I hope you are still there?yes? oh good.... thought I'd over done it for a minute........Do come back soon, I have an award from the lovely Deanna (now there's a girl who loves Christmas) and a Christmas giveaway too- better get my skates on hadn't I, Eeeek!xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Annie,
sp lovely to meet you in November. The website looks great and i shall put a link to it on my next post. As you know i love your work... especillay the wee birds. Will pop back to see your December display.. lovely baubles ! Hope you are ok regarding the accidents... sounds like you have had your '3 things'.
lots of love to you.
Ginny xx
You have been a naughty blogger, but this post was worth waiting for. I can't wait to see more of your dcorating for Christmas and I enjoyed the photos of Stroud. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing the photos of the V & H fayre, it looked brilliant. My work colleague goes to the Goodwill evening every year and has said how good it is but I just haven't managed to get around to going yet...perhaps next year :0)
Hi Annie, love the pictures. Thanks for sharing!
Hop on over to my blog. I have an award for you.
Deanna :)
Ah, it was worth the wait - what a lovely read! Hope all the accidents are over now & you can enjoy your Christmassy feeling!
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