Well hello there!!! this is a very short but I hope sweet post. I am becoming totally aware that I am not fulfilling my blogging duties at the moment. My window of opportunity to blog seems to have deteriorated to the size of a pin head, but am determined , as for my tummy, to pull it all in for christmas. I have some pics of the christmas decs and some other bits and bobs to share with you, but for now I will leave you with our lovely snow globes and music boxes , I love these, and we try to get a new one each year, the Harry Potter castle one was this years addition, the Hogwarts train goes round when the tune plays, ace.........
I would like to ask you one question if I may? are you a cup half full or a cup half empty sort of person? Mine is definately teeterin on the half empty side at the moment. Any funny Christmas stories? would be gratefully recieved.
Hope everyone is well and happy, Best Wishes to you all, Annie xxxxxxxxxxx
Well, as I sit here my mug is half full (of tea) & I've finished my cranberry & orange Jaffa cake - so I'm feeling half full but my box of biscuits is half empty...so which am I? Am I just confuzzled??
Oh Annie I try to be a half full kinda person but I think I have a tendancy to be a half empty person in reality. Love your collection of snowglobes I know someone who would be very envious of those if they saw them.
Hi Annie
I am sorry you are feeling depleted in some way at the moment.
I veer from half full to half empty depending on where I am on the roller coaster.. does that make sense? Have a look at my Grinch.. he may make you smile..
Happy days ahead I hope..
Love Michelex
Hi Annie! Oh like you my glass is half empty just now! so little time so much to do! but normally I do try to be a glass half full kinda gal! I am a big believer in positive thinking, remember this, you attract into your life that which you think of, so keep your thoughts as positive as you can and all good things will come to you! have a lovely Christmas Annie! xxx (love your snow globes!)
Oh half full definately. Love the snow clobes
Hi Annie,
I guess I'm half knackered.....does that count ?????
I love the snow globes,we buy some new decorations each year and this years was a Christmas tree shaped mountain with a village at the bottom ,a little clockwork train rens around the mountain and through the village.
In reality my cup always feels full,I just wish I had more time to sip from it.
Love and Light Kat xxxxx
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