We went to see George in his school play last Friday. He played King Herod, he cut a fine figure in his costume. As you can see from the pics, they really go to town on it, lovely it was too. George was great, we were very proud of him.
Poppy's play was called, 'It's A Baby!' and she was one of a troop of lovely angels,very cute and very funny. I shall post a photo I have ordered from the school, it's funny and ripe for a caption so I may well take the opportunity to do my first giveaway/compertition based on this, so keep checking over the christmas period. It's time to step back on to the merry go round, myself and George have been roped in to putting the party food out for Poppy's class. The teacher said there was a chance we would meet Father Christmas! I thought it was an opportunity I couldn't miss, I'll try and slip him my wish list when Mrs. Hawkins isn't looking, well! it's worth a try, don't you think? Have a great weeek y'all, Annie xx

Poppy's play was called, 'It's A Baby!' and she was one of a troop of lovely angels,very cute and very funny. I shall post a photo I have ordered from the school, it's funny and ripe for a caption so I may well take the opportunity to do my first giveaway/compertition based on this, so keep checking over the christmas period. It's time to step back on to the merry go round, myself and George have been roped in to putting the party food out for Poppy's class. The teacher said there was a chance we would meet Father Christmas! I thought it was an opportunity I couldn't miss, I'll try and slip him my wish list when Mrs. Hawkins isn't looking, well! it's worth a try, don't you think? Have a great weeek y'all, Annie xx
...sniff!... I don't have any Nativity plays to go to any more now my children are so "grown up". Those years fly by so quickly don't they?
Wishing you & yours a wonderful Christmas!
Lovely Christmassy photos Annie..
I hope you have a very Happy Christmas and that some of your dreams come true..in 2008!
Love and warm wishes
It's all so lovely and Christmassy my eldest played Herod once when he was about 8 I think so this has brought back some happy memories. We still have it all to do over here haven't got any decorations up yet and we haven't even finished buying pressies. Oh well it's the same every year, mad rush on Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas to you.
oh your world is sweet divine- merry christmas 2 you and your family- la la la love jo anderson...
Hi Annie
Please could you pop over as I have an award for you..I would like to pass on 'An Amazing Blogger Award, to you. Just copy and paste the award and tell us 7 random facts about yourself... we are all curious!
Hi Annie
Your tree looks lovely! The Christmas plays look great - could there be anything more Christmassy?!
Have a wonderful Christmas - I will be sure to return in the New Year!!
Clare x
Hope you have a fab Christmas and a better 2008 Mary
Have a lovely Christmas Annie,
Warm wishes
Just a quick message to wish you and your family a very merry christmas and a huge thanks for all your kind words over the last few months...
Have fun!!!
Jennifer xxx
Hi, I hope you had a lovely christmas, your decorations look beautiful! I remember the days when I used to be in the nativity, I was an angel and a shepherd,oh the memories,ha,ha such a magical time...
Best Wishes for the new year
Priscilla x
So pleased you had a great time,the children look amazing in their costumes.
I love your tree and decorations......
I wish you all a very happy 2008.
Love and hugs Kat xxxxxxxxx
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