This is our August garden, with all the rain we've been receiving, it's gone crazy! but I love it wild. It's just a shame we haven't been able to use it as much as we would have liked, but who wants trench foot? We really must get in there and tidy it up before winter sets in.

I must admit, my brain seems to have skipped the summer mode and headed straight for Autumn, I find myself making mental lists and plans for:-
1. Preparing the garden for winter.
2. Digging out winter attire, I can already be found wearing my knee length suede boots, this does not feel odd to me, people around me have noticed, the British are very polite, they say nothing......
3. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!! yes, I'm starting next week....
4. Laundering all our lovely blankets and quilts ready to dress the beds. I think , after much deliberation, this is the way forward, going back to the good,cold old days when we didn't have C.H. and we did have to put on extra jumpers. We cannot afford a 60% rise in our fuel bills. Please, if anyone has any good ideas on this topic, please let me know.
4. Oh yes! I've been planning a menu of hot soups and stews (and eating a few along the way too)

I have also started knitting up some scarves ( I AM LOSING THE PLOT). I call this my "mindless knitting", no counting of stitches involved so I can let my mind wander to those all important lists and yet I can still communicate with the children, the busy hands keep me calm:)The scarves look dead boring at the moment but I'm hoping a few flowers and buttons will jazz them up a little.

The children have watched me mindlessly knitting and asked if I could teach them how to do it,
EEeeek! So we gave it a go.......... it was fun and wiled away a rainy hour, but I think George is a bit
dispraxic and needs loads of time and practice and Poppy is just too young at the moment, one day they'll get it.

I got this book out of the library having it in mind to do crochet flowers on the scarves, but it may
as well have been in dutch!
ssooooo, I've ordered a crochet book from Amazon recommended by a favourite blogger of mine 'attic24' sorry,forgotten the link thing again, So hopefully, I will get the hang of it.

I saw this teapot in a charity shop and had to make it mine. It has replaced my trustee red pot that alas had a wicked chip on the spout. the only thing is, the cosy I made last year, as you see from the pic, does not work with my new pride and joy, so, a new cosy is planned to wile away the cool autumn evenings while curled up under one of our blankets.

Oh dear! I have gone on a bit, sorry about that, just call it my mindless blogging.....
MMmmmm, time for tea