1. Preparing the garden for winter.
2. Digging out winter attire, I can already be found wearing my knee length suede boots, this does not feel odd to me, people around me have noticed, the British are very polite, they say nothing......
3. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!! yes, I'm starting next week....
4. Laundering all our lovely blankets and quilts ready to dress the beds. I think , after much deliberation, this is the way forward, going back to the good,cold old days when we didn't have C.H. and we did have to put on extra jumpers. We cannot afford a 60% rise in our fuel bills. Please, if anyone has any good ideas on this topic, please let me know.
4. Oh yes! I've been planning a menu of hot soups and stews (and eating a few along the way too)

I have also started knitting up some scarves ( I AM LOSING THE PLOT). I call this my "mindless knitting", no counting of stitches involved so I can let my mind wander to those all important lists and yet I can still communicate with the children, the busy hands keep me calm:)The scarves look dead boring at the moment but I'm hoping a few flowers and buttons will jazz them up a little.
I got this book out of the library having it in mind to do crochet flowers on the scarves, but it may as well have been in dutch!ssooooo, I've ordered a crochet book from Amazon recommended by a favourite blogger of mine 'attic24' sorry,forgotten the link thing again, So hopefully, I will get the hang of it.

I saw this teapot in a charity shop and had to make it mine. It has replaced my trustee red pot that alas had a wicked chip on the spout. the only thing is, the cosy I made last year, as you see from the pic, does not work with my new pride and joy, so, a new cosy is planned to wile away the cool autumn evenings while curled up under one of our blankets.
MMmmmm, time for tea xxxxxxxxxx
I love blue and white striped china! Can't you knit it a blue and white striped cosy ? ;-)
Preparing for Autumn is a wonderful time of year. I admire your knitting skills. I have tried this on several occasions and to be honest I am a "knitters mightmare"! However, I have been crocheting since I was nine and now I'm fifty - taught by my granny. Any way, I love that you try to teach your wee ones this fine art. I have been teaching my boys(12,10,5)for the last year and they love it and gives me some quite time.
I think we have bypassed summer completely, it has been feeling autumnal for the past month or so. My mind is drifting too towards woolly jumpers, crisp mornings and the worry of the fuel bills, I may have to resort to shearing the cats and wearing their fur (now that would be a good blog post!). I love your garden, it is so pretty. Your tea cosy looks beautiful I am always very much in awe of anyone who can knit! Take care, keep warm and good luck with the Christmas shopping
Love the teapot and the tea cosy. I have something for you on my blog. Tracey.
This is just the kind of blogging I enjoy Annie.. and if it is mindless.. well we belong in the same asylum!
I can honestly say that I am looking forward to the colder days.. it will seem as though the seasons have sorted themselves. Wearing more clothes and as kim suggested a cat or two draped around your shoulders should help to keep draughts out..
Bring on winter.. I say... I am ready for you!
Michele xxx
Blue and white china is so homely. I have been thinkng more about winter food and then I have to remind myself that it is still August!
Well autumn has arrived and like you I'm trying to think of ways to not use the central heating! It was so tempting last night to put it on as really cold here but I've discovered my vests again!!!Love the tea cosy I thought I was the only one with a knitted one!!
I've just stumbled upon your lovely blog.
That tea cosy is wonderful!
Ooh, you have a lovely blog. I am over here from Moonlight and Hares and am glad to visit! Having just started a brand new knitting class last night, the photos of your knitting were most inspiring!
I'm also with you on the Christmas shopping thing! Never too early for Christmas!
Best to you from both of us!
oh how i love your garden-and the flags-divine....
Just like you, I love to do "mindless knitting" and think about all the things I want to do. It's the time of year for it, as we get cozy for the winter!
Hi Annie:
I love your teapot. Adorable. And your little girl's room is very cosy looking. Really, quite perfect.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope you don't mind if I add you to bloglines?
Knitty, Vintage and Rosy
Hi do you have a pattern for the tea cosy pleeeeeeeeeease. The reason why I ask is that I have a very old one which I bought when I used to work in a day centre for the elderly and I have always wanted to make one. thank you stopping by recently
love Helen
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