These are some of the ways we have spent this easter weekend. We still have bonnet making and making chocolate nests for the ' Collieockey Bird' who lays chocolate eggs in the nests on Easter morning and if we are really lucky, she might even leave one of her brightly coloured feathers for us to find, what fun!!!
Do have a safe and wonderful weekend, Annie x
how lovely, hope you get your feather, Easter doesn't really seem to happen here in Burgundy(well not in my little corner anyway). I love the decs and the china and tell me where did you get your tea cosy, I can't find one anywhere here. Enjoy the rest of your break, I am off down the barn now to paint ANOTHER wall.
love jules
Your kitchen and table settings are wonderful. The cake and hot cross buns look mighty tasty, too!
Happy Easter to you and yours!!
Hi, I hope you are having a wonderful Easter, your spring decorations look so cozy and your kitchen looks very inviting!
Priscilla x
Hi, I hope you are having a wonderful Easter, your spring decorations look so cozy and your kitchen looks very inviting!
Priscilla x
oh im hanging out for a slice of that yummy cake- i hope your easter was wonderful -love jo.
What super fun you had over Easter!
Oh dear.. sorry Annie.. I have arrived a little too late for the Easter breakfast and how lovely it all looked.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend with eggs and feathers!
With love
P.s Did my email get through to you? I have been having real problems sending messages lately.
Hope you had a wonderful time.
I love the photograph of your laid table in your kitchen, so homely and cosy.
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Love your blog. Love your dolls. I love to read about the UK since I lived there in the early 50's. I am a teddy lover and used to make them and I have a few Stiefs from Whitney's in Oxfordshire. Keep up the great blogging so this gal in N.C.,USA can enjoy. Lilly
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