HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! to all of you out there. I truly hope that 2008 will be an excellent year for everyone. I usually find the New Years Eve thing difficult and have pangs of sadness for the year we leave behind, NOT THIS TIME, I was soo glad to hear the chimes at midnight, I disliked 2007 immensley and would not want to repeat the like again, for reasons I will not go into other than to say I lost alot.2008 will be a fab year, and I am eager to see how it unfirls....

I wanted to take this last opportunity to post some pics of our Christmas, it was a wonderful relaxed affair, maybe it was more relaxed because of the decisions I had made but maybe it's best not to look too deeply and just enjoy the special moments for what they are, bloody good times. The pic above is of the children's tree, it always sits on the piano between the photos of their great great grandparents.

This is Christmas Eve, and as you can see, HE's BEEENNNN!!

We went to bed at 2am and I was, like the big kid I am, awake at 6am. I turned the tree lights on, got dressed and climbed back into bed and waited and waited........7am they emerge, atlast!!

This is George and Pops opening the things Santa kindly left them.

Myself and the children don't eat meat, Andy only eats meat off the premises, so we all tucked in to a parsnip and cashew nut bake with the usual veg and christmas pud to follow.

I wanted to show you my present from Andy, he calls it my 1920's i'pod. It's a picnic gramaphone. He bought it on ebay and met the guy in a layby near Bath to pick it up on the day before christmas eve, now that scored him alot of brownie points!!! We managed to buy some jazz and swing 78's a few days after christmas in a little shop in Ledbury. It was a real talking point on New Years Eve, everyone wanted a go, it had a real presence, I love it! thanks love xx In my next post, I shall be doing my very first giveaway (gasp!!). I have a picture ripe for a caption, it's a bit of fun and I will put together a few things for the person with the caption that makes me chuckle the most or if I like more than one I shall get one of the kids to do a draw out of a hat, yeah? ok, till next time, Blessings xxxxxxxxx
What a thoughtful gift! It's always so nice when somebody does something extra special isn't it?
Hope 2008 is a good year for you!
Hello Annie and wishing you a belated very Happy New Year..
I love unique presents like your gramaphone.. they mean so much and obviously great thought and love went in to finding it for you..
I do hope 2008 is going to be a rosier year for you.. methinks it will be!
Much love
P.s Can't wait for your giveaway!
Happy New Year to you too. I am behind in my blogging as always!
i agree, the new year always fills me with thoughts of well if it happened last year who's to say it won't happen this year. doom and gloom I know but I do enter every new year with a tad of worry. But hey we are in the new year now so onwards and upwards. The prezzie was lovely and the tree and decorations looked great look forward to following your 2008 blogs
take care
jules x
Thank you for your New Year wishes, we've finally got around to posting on the blog again and are now trying to catch up with everyone. Looks like you and your family had a wonderful Christmas & New Year. All good wishes for 2008.
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