Good evening! Atlast I have found the time to fit in a blog, and today (drum roll) is my very first giveaway. It's to celebrate a couple of things, I do believe I'm coming close to my fiftieth blog and I have recently celebrated my Birthday, what better excuse do I need. I had planned a caption challenge using a photo that I thought perfect, but came to realise it was a bit too much like hard work, so, I shall put the names of all who leave a comment on my blog into a hat and get one of my lovelies to do the honours. This will happen on Sunday 27th January.I have put the photo at the bottom of this post, I think it says it all....
The giveaway is one of my 'Rufus' linen cats that I made just before christmas. You will also see from the pic that there is a lovely painted china cup and saucer from my collection of many, some vintage lace and buttons and a lovely vintage postcard of cats doing domestic duties. Also, I've put in a reel of 'East of India' ribbon, not vintage but very lovely and darn useful. Just a few things which show the sort of things I like, I hope you like too.

It's been quite busy here, children settled back into their school routine and me finding my rhythm again after the christmas spell. I must say, I'm feeling very positive about 2008, good things already coming our way. Lets hope this continues aye?
I've been working on a couple of dolls, 'Pandora the Pug lover' and 'Let them eat cake'. I've also been getting my ideas together for a textile exhibition I've been asked to take part in which is in May. I want to base the work on old circus acts and vorderville, we shall see how it goes.

I think I need to go now, you would giggle if you could see me, our stool for sitting at the computer gave way under the strain a few days ago (too many pies!) and now I write my blog while sitting gingerly on George's big orange space hopper, very comfy but I feel very silly and I'm getting a bit of a crick in the neck. Please leave a comment and if you can think of anyone who would like my giveaway, do let them know.
Have a good evening, Annie x

Isn't she a scream?
Hello Annie! what a delightful post! I am greatly cheered a)by the picture of your gorgeous kitchen and b) at the thought of you blogging on a spacehopper! LOL!and yes I agree that final pic,she is a scream, but a little treasure!the giveaway is a lovely idea, fingers crossed, hugs,Gena xx
Hello Annie
This post is the best possible start to my day.. it is 6.30 a.m and very dark outside and what am I doing...???? I had such a smile and a laugh at your description of your new perch....very surreal but very funny and probably quite comfortable for a while.
I might have some circus items for you if you let me know what you need.... just drop me a line or call me..
Lovely to hear things are going well... and look forward to your textile exhibition.
Ooh what a wonderful giveaway, too good an opportunity to pass up! If you pop to my blog, I'm having a giveaway too, you are very welcome to enter!
best wishes,
Hello Annie,
I think Poppy is thinking,'Never work with children......or er children....sooooo unprofessional !!!'
I think your give away is gorgeous and the thought of you blogging on a spacehopper has suitably lifted my spirits enough to cope with all this rain !!!
I covet your wonderful home as usual,you have great flair.
Hugs Kat xxxx
An orange space hopper sounds like a wonderful "computer chair", whenever you need an eyebreak you can just hop off round the room!Hope that you had a really lovely birthday.
hi annie, the chair I am using at the moment is an old dining room chair and is hard as a rock a space hopper would be a welcome resting place right at this moment but I'm not sure balancing and typing would make a good combination, I know my limitations and circus tricks don't come into the equation. Love the picture at the bottom, what is it they say every picture tells a story(the mind boggles) what is she thinking about?.
Love the idea of your giveaway, I haven't joined in anything like this so far so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Hi Annie
I am new to your blog, but may I say what alovely one it is at that!
The photo is simply sweet, what goes on in their little minds, should we really know!
I am working on some new textile pictures for the May festival here, I have decided to go along the lines of childrens books but i love the idea of circus. Good luck!
Your puddy's are cute too! I think a space hopper sounds like a great idea - you are doing exercice at the same time!!
Hello Annie, Michele sent me over to say hello! I'm glad I did, what a lovely post! Happy nearly 50th blog post too.
I am laughing at the idea of you posting on a spacehopper! Finally I'm getting rid of the January blues and back to blogging Your giveaway looks lovely
Hi Annie,
Your cats are stunning! Just wanted to say hello as I am new to all of this. I'm also in Gloucestershire too Jackie x
Hello Annie....
Your blog is so delightful and funny! Reminded me of a story my husband and I wrote together about how we made cake fabric! We made a cake mix and added it to fabric, so the fabric smelled like cake! It's a very funny story./I love the little girl's expression! A true princess!
Love your blog; will visit again, soon!
hello darling girl- how cold has it been in england- im just making a pot of tea grab a cup and i shall share-your world looks divine- singing and dancing la la love jo.
Its my first time stopping by your blog and I must say you have a lovely one. I enjoyed my visit. I will surely bookmark it for more visits in the future.
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