Hi, in response to Jayne(
http://countrycottagechic.blogspot.com)and/ her challenge of doing a post on our favourite teddy or toy, here are just a couple of pics of our motley crew who sit quietly on Poppy's cupboard.The old boy in the centre is mine, the 'old bear ' on the right is my sons which he was given by a dear friend on the morning he was born.The teddy on the left is Andy's which he has had since birth.Also residing there is Rabbie, friend and confidant to Ted,Winnie the pooh and a dragon commemorating The Prince of Wales investiture in Caernarvon in 1969.

As you can see, Ted's no 'Steiff ', but as a child I loved him dearly, he was my friend, comforter and councillor all rolled in to one. I'll keep him always.
What about you? why not join in this trip down memory lane?If you do, please let me know so I can come visit your past. It's cuddly fun!! Annie x
What a lovely "hug" of bears - they all seem to get on well together! ;-)
I've added your post to the growing list of old toys at my blog.
Hello Annie,what a lovely post I've also accepted Jayne's Teddy Bear Challenge and posted a pic of my childhood bear over on the blog.
Hi Annie. thankyou for visiting my blog....my family are originally from Roath and I went to St Peters school, how lovely you live in the Cotswolds one of my favourite areas in the UK...when I have time I will sit down and read your blog,
Have a good weekend
Claire x
Lovely picture of all your treasured teddies on top of the cupboard. I think this is a great "challenge" and will post about my beloved childhood toy "Monkey" today.
Your cat Rufus is adorable!
I love your cherished teddy collection Annie..
I would love to join in but alas I can't take any new photos as my camera has jammed!
I have however posted a pic of my inherited teddy collection from my Mum... they are a motley crew but I love them all..
P.s How are your textiles going???
I've just joined in the Teddy Challenge over at http://willowhouse.typepad.com
you have a lovely selection of toys here.
Hi Annie, What a wonderful collection of teddy bears. I have just joined the challenge too.
Cheers Linda
Ah, I wish I still had a childhood toy..In fact, there is nothing left from my childhood, which I find hard to understand..i couldn't imagine not holding on to my children's favourite teddys and toys!
Lovely blog
Hi, Ted is sweet...I can tell he's been well loved!
Margaret and Noreen
ahhh what sweet little bears!
You asked about the book in one of pics, its called 'The Art Of Domesticity 'you can get it from Amazon and waterstones...You should treat yourself Im sure you would love it, She does have a blog but I cant remember what its called! soz!!
Jen xx
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