No one could say that we have had a good summer this year, no, far from it. The summer I'm lovin is the one that I've spent with my children and the times when Andy could dip his toe in and leave the stresses of the daily grind behind him. Every year at this time, without fail, the same pangs of woe fall over me. I swear that I can even smell it in the air, the smell, that as a child I dreaded because it meant only one thing, Autumn is coming and with that, SCHOOL. I did not like school, I found it a hard place to be, I felt that there was no room for individuality, you had to become one of the crowd, like sheep, and I still have these concerns to this day.
My little girl starts school in two weeks! she's so little, and my pre - conceived ideas of what school is about does not help the situation. We had non of this with George, our eldest, as he entered into an independant curative Steiner education, where ' The Lord Of The Flies ' mentality just does not exist, he's been a very lucky boy!
Poppy is a strong willed, independant little girl, and I have to take comfort in that and believe that she will be one of the lucky ones too.

The last pic is of my Pops on her hobby horse that we made for her a couple of Christmas's ago, Andy cut it out and I painted it , have some more ready for painting, maybe could sell them at Christmas? maybe.......xxxxxxxxxx
My little girl starts school in two weeks! she's so little, and my pre - conceived ideas of what school is about does not help the situation. We had non of this with George, our eldest, as he entered into an independant curative Steiner education, where ' The Lord Of The Flies ' mentality just does not exist, he's been a very lucky boy!
Poppy is a strong willed, independant little girl, and I have to take comfort in that and believe that she will be one of the lucky ones too.
We like the school and they allow the parents to decide the amount of hours the little ones do before the age of five, thats good.
On a more positive note, Poppy starting school means that mentally I am now seeing my life back in my studio and am planning the way forward for my arts and crafts , Christmas on the horizon and ways to make some income.
On a more positive note, Poppy starting school means that mentally I am now seeing my life back in my studio and am planning the way forward for my arts and crafts , Christmas on the horizon and ways to make some income.
My business used to be called ' Sculptural Skulduggary', but it's time for fresh pastures, so I've taken the name I've given my space, ' The Little Wren House Factory'. It's past life was as the old wash house , a lovely old brick building with stone walls inside, a really sweet space.I must say though, it does need a bit of a make over inside and hope to do it this weekend while the children go off with their beloved grandparents. I hope to show some before and after pics soon, wish us luck!
Meanwhile I shall have to be contented with washing all my bits of fabric ready for my new big adventure.
My darling what a wonderful post this is. Thank you for being so honest. There were times that I hated school so I can appreciate how you feel. Your family, blog and business are all wonderful and it's so nice to have found you. I look forward to reading more.
Cherry Menlove xx
I hope Poppy is happy,I never seemed to 'fit in' at school,my mum was 40 when I was born and having old parents seemed to make me old too.Kids are so cruel sometimes.
The fabric looks wonderful and I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with it,I would also be interested in buying a hobby horse for MK.
Hope all goes well for your little girl.
Best Wishes Kat x
Oh so bitter sweet, new adventures on the horizon but no little ones under foot for hours of the day. Really looking forward to reading about the new business.
Ah I hope she enjoys school!! You'll have to let us know! Fingers crossed!
Hi Annie,just wanted to say that I have tagged you,visit my blog to find out more.
Best wishes Kat x
Awesome bloog you have here
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